Posted inMovies / On The Web / Television

An Archive of Siskel and Ebert (and the other guy)

The Balcony Archive

Ever wonder what Siskel and Ebert (or Ebert and Roeper) thought about Independence Day (2 thumbs down), That Thing You Do (2 thumbs up), or Serenity (2 thumbs up)?

Gene and I knew those old shows would be worth saving, but for a long time nobody agreed with us. In the years before home video, it seemed like a waste of expensive video tape to preserve hundreds of episodes of “Opening Soon at a Theater Near You,” “Sneak Previews” or “At the Movies.”

Fortunately, someone finally agreed with Ebert and started saving the old shows. Now, the past twenty-ish years of movie reviews are indexed and available for our (re)viewing pleasure at the Balcony Archive.

Posted inHumorousness / Movies / Television

I’ve Been Simpsonized!

Despite the fact that everyone should just know that Homer and Bart’s hometown of Springfield, USA is nowhere near Vermont, I haven’t forsaken The Simpsons completely.

So, here I am Simpsonized…

Dave and Boo - Simpsonized

Not bad, although I must say that my cat Boo is better looking than Snowball (pictured).

You too can become a Simpsons character by visiting Simpsonize Me. Upload a headshot of yourself, and then tweak the available options in faces, hairstyles, body types, and accessories.

Don’t know about you, but I’m digging the orange and purple cabinets. Maybe it’s time for a kitchen makeover at Casa de DeckMonster. ;-)

Posted inMovies

His Date With Drew

My Date With DrewI was feeling massively unproductive today, so I decided to take the afternoon off from work. I played LotRO and surfed the tube for something to watch. Nothing better was on, so I decided to give a movie on Showtime called My Date With Drew a try…

Turns out it’s terrific! This is a documentary about a broke 27-year-old aspiring filmmaker from New Jersey who’s had a crush on Drew Barrymore since the second grade. He takes the winnings from a TV game show (where the final answer was “Drew Barrymore”) and sets a goal for himself…

30 days, $1,100 for an ordinary guy to get a date with Drew Barrymore. Highly recommended!

Posted inMovies / Television

Springfield Showdown

The SimpsonsThe AP reports (via Yahoo) that the sixteen Springfields across the country are in competition to host the world premier of The Simpsons Movie this July.

How cool would that be?!?

Each Springfield is supposed to submit a short film “showcasing their community’s positive aspects and links to the Simpsons.” Fox will select the winner from these entries. I haven’t seen anything locally yet, but I hope that Springfield, Illinois puts their best foot forward.

Maybe it’ll turn out to be kinda yellowish-colored with four chubby toes. ;-)

Posted inMovies

You’ll Shoot Your Eye Out…

A Christmas Story‘Tis the season… for A Christmas Story. Check out the following sites to get your Christmas Story fix…

A fan named Brian Jones is obsessed enough with the movie that he couldn’t resist paying $150,000 for the Cleveland house that appeared in the film when it came up for sale on eBay. He has restored it to look like it did in the movie, and is opening the house and a related museum with much fanfare this weekend. Visit the A Christmas Story House Website for details.

The house isn’t the only way that Brian Jones is profiting from his obsession with the movie. A few years ago, Brian set up a site to sell reproductions of the infamous “major award” coveted by Ralphie’s father, a lamp in the shape of a shapely glowing leg. It comes in various sizes complete with fringed gallery shade, sexy fishnet stocking, and an elegant stiletto heel. Check out the Red Ryder Leg Lamps site for ordering info on this and other memorabilia.

To find out more about Jean Shepherd, the writer and narrator of the movie, visit the FlickLives site. It includes information, news, events, and memorabilia about “Shep’s” life and career, including lots of interesting trivia about A Christmas Story.

Finally, if you’ve never seen A Christmas Story and have no idea what I’m talking about, enjoy a 30-second version of the movie in Bun-O-Vision (i.e. starring rabbits)…

ACS in 30 seconds

Posted inMovies / Television

A Couple of Things…

This should be quick…

The Eragon trailer is available on the official movie site. Check it out. Looks pretty cool, although I’m a little surprised that we get to see the dragon(s) so soon. I reallly thought that they would tease us with brief glimpses for the first trailer or two.

And I couldn’t resist passing this one on… Visit to watch just about any episode of The Simpsons, Futurama, South Park, Family Guy, or American Dad on your computer. The legality of the videos are certainly questionable, but there’s no doubt how much fun this is!