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Who’s On First?

I know that I’ve been remiss in my postings lately, but I had to put this one out there for my buddy Jeff, who’s a long-suffering fan of the Chicago Cubs

According to this story in the Boston Globe, an independent league baseball team in Illinois is putting the lineup card in the hands of its fans.

Unfortunately for my buddy, that team is not the Cubs. The Schaumberg Flyers announced Tuesday that the public now will be determining the team’s batting order and pitching rotation. Decisions are set via Internet voting. The fans’ first move: to override manager Andy McCauley in his choice of one position player. Eventually, fans will be able to decide who should be traded, too, the story said.

Posted inOn The Web

One red paperclip, one house, one year…

One Red PaperclipAnything’s possible when you have an interesting idea and the cohones to follow through with it…

Kyle MacDonald is a 26-year-old Montreal man who started out with a single red paperclip and the stated intention to kick off a series of trades which would result in a new house. It’s taken a year, but it looks like he’s done it!

Read all about it in his blog entitled, appropriately enough, One Red Paperclip.

Posted inOn The Web

Just checking in…

Still working on a new site design, and also installing Windows Vista. I’ll let you know the next couple of days how that’s going…

So, I have just one link for today. Makes you think just a little bit exactly how miniscule (and precious) we really are in the grand scheme of things.

See, I told ya there’ d be random comments about the universe. ;-)

Posted inOn The Web

Digg It!

This one’s short but sweet… is a technology news website. Users submit stories for review, but rather than allow an editor to decide which stories go on the homepage, the users do by voting for (“digging”) the story.

Anyway, there was a story on Digg today claiming that Crows may have human-like intelligence. The source article itself didn’t do much for me, but I did enjoy a couple of the comments that were made by Digg users…

datastorageguy said:
When Crows start driving around in cars and doing algebra with their beaks, I will go along with the “Human-like intelligence” bit. Until then, they can continue to attack my bird feeder and scare away all the other little birds.

jer2eydevil88 said:
I think itÂ’s obvious to anyone who drives frequently that few people ever exhibit intelligence when driving.

Too true!