Posted inComics / Humorousness / On The Web

Looking For Group…

Looking For GroupI found a terrific Webcomic called Looking For Group a few weeks ago…

The comic, set in an alternate World of Warcraft-ish universe, follows the adventures of an elven archer named Cale’Anon who is out to save the world.

Along the way, Cale gains traveling companions who have a slightly, uh, different set of priorities. In particular is Richard, an undead warlock who provides comic relief, strangely enough, in his absolute delight causing as much death and destruction as inhumanly possible.

If you’re into gaming, fantasy, and humor, LFG is highly recommended!

Posted inTechnology / WTF?


According to a recent CNET News Blog report, the Storm worm has infected and taken control of as many as 50 million computers world-wide. In fact, one security expert had this to say…

“In terms of power, the botnet utterly blows the supercomputers away.” He goes on to say that just 2 million of the suspected 50 million Storm worm-infected machines are equivalent to the computing power of the top 500 supercomputers.


Posted inMusic / On The Web

Work of Art #2: Canon Rock

Canon Rock is a rock arrangement of Johann Pachelbel’s Canon in D major by the Taiwanese musician and composer Jerry Chang (JerryC). The song became popular on the internet after a video of JerryC’s playing the song was posted online…

The rendition has since been featured on newspapers, magazines, and television shows.

Awesome! :-O

Posted inHumorousness / Movies / Television

I’ve Been Simpsonized!

Despite the fact that everyone should just know that Homer and Bart’s hometown of Springfield, USA is nowhere near Vermont, I haven’t forsaken The Simpsons completely.

So, here I am Simpsonized…

Dave and Boo - Simpsonized

Not bad, although I must say that my cat Boo is better looking than Snowball (pictured).

You too can become a Simpsons character by visiting Simpsonize Me. Upload a headshot of yourself, and then tweak the available options in faces, hairstyles, body types, and accessories.

Don’t know about you, but I’m digging the orange and purple cabinets. Maybe it’s time for a kitchen makeover at Casa de DeckMonster. ;-)

Posted inWTF?

Go Phish!

Am I the only one getting spam-hammered (spammered?) by the ecard/postcard/greeting card phishing e-mails? These are just from today (and that’s not all of ’em)…


I love the “worshipper” ones. :-)

Posted inNews / Rant n' Rave

Failure of Leadership

I’ve stayed away from political issues in this blog because, frankly, politics don’t hold much interest for me. And politicians even less. I’ve worked my entire professional career (13+ years of computer consulting) in the bowels of state government, so I can say with some authority that government works as well as it does not because of our elected officials, but in spite of them.

It’s the “little people” that make the day-to-day business of government run. They work in less-than-spacious cubicles, answer their own phones, and hold meetings in conference rooms where fewer than half the chairs match each other. And they have to deal with the disruption that inevitably comes with an entirely new set of bosses every few years.

A successful political administration doesn’t let egos or agenda get in the way of the business of government. Which brings us to the point of this little rant…

Right now, the State of Illinois is one week into Fiscal Year 2008 without an official budget. That might be marginally acceptable if Governor Rod Blagojevich (D) and the state legislature were working together to reach a compromise that will allow the business of government to continue without interruption. Instead the Governor, Speaker of the House Mike Madigan (D), and Senate President Emil Jones (D) are all feuding about issues having less and less to do with the budget, and more to do with ego and agenda.

That is failure of leadership. And it is unacceptable.

The following items illustrate just how ridiculous this situation has become…

Governor: Rep. Madigan a Republican
Both the Governor and Madigan are democrats, BTW.

Budget stalemate descends into bickering over meeting time
The Governor accused Madigan of “unlawful” action by changing the meeting time of a purely symbolic legislative session.

Blagojevich: Madigan action “unlawful”
More details and discussion about the brewing constitutional controversy.

Capitol Fax Blog
I highly recommend listening to the audio of Rep. Lou LangÂ’s (R) House floor speech, included in the 5:27 pm update. Volatile stuff.

Constitutional controversy in Ill. House of Representatives
Some Republicans used the word “impeachment” for the first time openly on the House floor.
Given everything above, this one pretty much speaks for itself.

And one more, because the State of Illinois does not hold a monopoly right now on bad politics…

A President Besieged and Isolated, Yet at Ease
President George W. Bush, grasping for answers to his abysmal popularity, remains resolute and fixated on Iraq.

Our political “leaders” need to remember that they were hired to fill a temporary public service position. They need to worry less about keeping their jobs, and concentrate more on doing their jobs.

THE SMALL PRINT: For the record, these opinions are mine and mine alone. I don’t speak in any capacity, official or otherwise, for anyone but myself.

Posted inScience

“If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice…”

I have no idea who this guy is, but he presents an extremely thought provoking argument regarding global warming and the choices we will make. Either we decide to do something, or we trust business as usual (so eloquently captured by Rush in the “Free Will” lyric I used as the title of this post). Either option is pretty scary.

Check it out and discuss amongst yourselves…

Yes, this will be on the test at the end of the semester.