Posted inTechnology

Star Trek Technology Today!

This video hosted by is a demonstration of some cool new touch screen technology that immediately reminded me of the way that the characters on Star Trek (the new shows anyway) would interact with their computers (aside from speaking).

I’ve had some experience designing an application for touch screen use, and it’s quite a bit different from a mouse and keyboard interface. I hope the R&D departments at places like Microsoft and Google are working on next generation user interfaces that use touch and speech.

I predict that the keyboard and mouse will go the way of vinyl records and electric typewriters in 15 years or less (possibly much less). Your children’s children will grow up in a world without these archaic devices. ;-)

Posted inWTF?

Square Melons?!?

Square WatermelonsNo, I’m not talking about cosmetic surgery gone wrong.

Leave it to the Japanese to solve a problem that no one even realized they had. This story from the BBC tells how 20 years ago, a Japanese farmer came up with the idea of making a cube-shaped watermelon which could easily be packed and stored. The farmer grows the melons in glass boxes, which then assume the shape of the box as they grow. Today the cuboid watermelons are hand-picked and shipped all over Japan.

However, unnaturally shaped melons don’t come cheap. Each melonoid (my word :-)) sells for around 85 bucks, equivalently speaking. For that kind on money, you should get a Geisha girl as part of the package to hand-feed it to you. :-P

Posted inTelevision


EUReKAEureka! We may be deep in the dog days of summer, but a new TV show just started that’s worthy of a spot in the fall lineup.

EUReKA follows a U.S. marshal who gets stranded in a small town called Eureka, which he discovers is actually a top-secret brain trust where the government has various scientists working on potentially world-altering experiments.

It’s smart, funny, and inventive. Definitely TiVo material!