Posted inMovies / On The Web

50 Reasons Lord of the Rings Sucks has a hilarious list of the 50 Reasons Lord of the Rings Sucks (referring to the movies).

A few selected favorites…

  • Speaking of Orcs… The Orcs were obviously stolen from PC game maker Blizzard and its Warcraft series. Too bad Blizzard is apparently too scared to sue New Line over it.
  • Homage or theft? The “happy village of little people” idea was stolen from Willow.
  • Homage or theft II? The wise old wizard character was stolen from Harry Potter.
  • What’s that smell? As bad as the Lucasfilm internet leaks were with the last Star Wars trilogy, the filmmakers of Lord of the Rings allowed the paperback novelizations onto shelves years in advance. As if we needed any less of a reason to go see it.

However funny the list itself is, that’s not really the point of this post. What’s really interesting is the number of people who were moved to leave a comment ripping the article as if it were a serious criticism of the movies.

Now I’m sure that more than a few of the comments are from trolls just trying to stir things up, but I’m also sure that some moron well intentioned (but sarcastically challenged) individual somewhere feels that they struck a blow against the evil forces of sloppy journalism.

Things like this make me question whether there’s any intelligent life on this planet. ;-)

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